Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tennyson's 3rd Birthday

Last Saturday was Tennyson's 3rd birthday. She had a great day. We held her birthday party at a local pool since she loves the water. She had about 13 friends come. Everyone had a great time swimming, snacking, and eating yummy cupcakes. She didn't get to have a birthday party last year because she was sick and had just been released from the hospital, so it was important to make sure she had a special day this year.

Each year on her birthday, I can't help but remember everything we went through the day she was born. This year, as I reflected, the sad feelings that used to be there when I thought about her birthday were mostly replaced by happiness. It was nice to just focus on celebrating her this year. Each year is another blessing. She continues to open our minds and fill our hearts with complete joy.

It's amazing to look back and see how far she has come:

Tennyson on her birthday - September 8, 2009

Tennyson at 2 days old on September 9, 2009
3 years later - September 8, 2012
 She waited patiently for her friends to arrive while we set up her party room:
Finally swimming with her Uncle:
Yummy cupcakes for her friends:
So tired after her party:

 Happy 3rd birthday sweet girl!