Monday, December 17, 2012

{Day Seven} Seven Days of Giveaways!

Thanks for celebrating the blogs birthday with me this week! Congrats to all the winners so far!

The winner of yesterday's giveaway is Damion!
(I used the random number generator at

Here is the last giveaway: Crayon Roll (Girl - colors are blue, pink, and green)

To enter:

1. Just leave your first name and e-mail address in the comments section.
2. If you win, I'll send you an e-mail and get your mailing address.
3. You can also e-mail me if you have trouble posting your entry, and I'll make sure you are entered:
4. Giveaways are open to everyone - family, friends, new readers, faithful readers - everyone!
5. Let me know if you have any questions!


Sunday, December 16, 2012

{Day Six} Seven Days of Giveaways!

This week I am celebrating the blogs first birthday by posting a giveaway-a-day!

The winner of yesterday's giveaway is Leah M.! 

(I used the random number generator at

Here is the 6th giveaway: Simple Flannel Blanket (Boy - colors are blues, greens, gray, and orange)

This is another gift I was given when Tennyson was a baby. It was given to her by my Husbands cousin and I still use it! I've affectionately nicknamed this blanket the "Everything Blanket", because I literally used it for everything!
  • Swaddling blanket
  • Sun Shade
  • Nursing cover
  • Pack n Play sheet
  • Stroller/Carseat blanket
  • Play Mat

It's a really useful blanket! It's thin, but warm and soft. I've pre-washed it in Dreft detergent, so it shouldn't shrink with future washes.

To enter:
1. Just leave your first name and e-mail address in the comments section.
2. If you win, I'll send you an e-mail and get your mailing address.
3. You can also e-mail me if you have trouble posting your entry, and I'll make sure you are entered:
4. Giveaways are open to everyone - family, friends, new readers, faithful readers - everyone!
5. Let me know if you have any questions!


Saturday, December 15, 2012

{Day Five} Seven Days of Giveaways!

This week I am celebrating the blogs first birthday by posting a giveaway-a-day!

The winner of yesterday's giveaway is Sharon E.!

(I used the random number generator at

Here is the 5th giveaway: Simple Flannel Blanket (Girl - colors are lavender and gray)

This is another gift I was given when Tennyson was a baby. It was given to her by my Husbands cousin and I still use it! I've affectionately nicknamed this blanket the "Everything Blanket", because I literally used it for everything!
  • Swaddling blanket
  • Sun Shade
  • Nursing cover
  • Pack n Play sheet
  • Stroller/Carseat blanket
  • Play Mat
It's a really useful blanket! It's thin, but warm and soft. I've pre-washed it in Dreft detergent, so it shouldn't shrink with future washes.
To enter:
1. Just leave your first name and e-mail address in the comments section.
2. If you win, I'll send you an e-mail and get your mailing address.
3. You can also e-mail me if you have trouble posting your entry, and I'll make sure you are entered:
4. Giveaways are open to everyone - family, friends, new readers, faithful readers - everyone!
5. Let me know if you have any questions!


Friday, December 14, 2012

{Day Four} Seven Days of Giveaways!

This week I am celebrating the blogs first birthday by posting a giveaway-a-day!

The winners of yesterday's giveaway are Beth F. and Nicole L.!
(I used the random number generator at

I had made two of the exact same crayon roll, so there were two winners! Surprise!

Here is the 4th giveaway: Diaper & Wipes Case (Gender Neutral/Boy - colors are yellow and gray)

To enter:
1. Just leave your first name and e-mail address in the comments section.
2. If you win, I'll send you an e-mail and get your mailing address.
3. You can also e-mail me if you have trouble posting your entry, and I'll make sure you are entered:
4. Giveaways are open to everyone - family, friends, new readers, faithful readers - everyone!
5. Let me know if you have any questions!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

{Day Three} Seven Days of Giveaways!

This week I am celebrating the blogs first birthday by posting a giveaway-a-day!

The winner of yesterday's giveaway is Nicole D.!
(I used the random number generator at

Here is the third giveaway: Crayon Roll (Girl - colors are pink, light blue and green)

To enter:
1. Just leave your first name and e-mail address in the comments section.
2. If you win, I'll send you an e-mail and get your mailing address.
3. You can also e-mail me if you have trouble posting your entry, and I'll make sure you are entered:
4. Giveaways are open to everyone - family, friends, new readers, faithful readers - everyone!
5. Let me know if you have any questions!


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

{Day Two} Seven Days of Giveaways!

This week I am celebrating the blogs first birthday by posting a giveaway-a-day!

The winner of yesterday's giveaway is Charity!
(I used the random number generator at

Here is the second giveaway: Crayon Roll (Boy - colors are orange and teal)

To enter:
1.Just leave your first name and e-mail address in the comments section.
2.If you win, I'll send you an e-mail and get your mailing address.
3.You can also e-mail me if you have trouble posting your entry, and I'll make sure you are entered:
4.Giveaways are open to everyone - family, friends, new readers, faithful readers - everyone!
5. Let me know if you have any questions!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

{Day One} Seven Days of Giveaways!

Today is the blogs first birthday! One year ago today, the blog made it's debut and it has certainly been an incredible year, no doubt about it.

At the blogs inception, Tennyson had recently turned 2 years old and yet some family and friends still didn't have a clear understanding of what happened to Tennyson, what her capabilities were, and we found ourselves telling the same story. We never mind telling Tennyson's story, but we wanted a way for our family and friends to follow along with her progress. So, the blog was born.

We've "met" many new friends with children similar to Tennyson. We've also been able to stay connected with family on a deeper level, and many feel closer to Tennyson since they get to keep up with her and "see" her regularly.

The blog has given me an outlet to share my emotions - happy, sad, and everything in between. I never anticipated it would be therapeutic to put my thoughts into words and share them with the world. It's a great feeling knowing that I can share an honest perspective of what our life is like with our amazing little girl.

I've received wonderful, heartfelt e-mails from old friends, distant relatives, and other parents with children who have special needs. I've appreciated them more than I can tell you. I've read them all and I've saved them all.

I hope you have a more clear understanding of cerebral palsy along with Tenn's other diagnosis. I hope you understand what happened to our sweet Tennyson, and you realize although Tennyson is different, she is not less deserving of your patience, time, or love. She is incredible, and continues to amaze me everyday with her sweet disposition and resiliency.

In celebration of the blogs first birthday - and to thank our wonderful readers, I'll be giving away one of my handmade crafts each day for the next week. It's nothing like "Oprah's Favorite Things", or "Ellen's Twelve Days of Giveaways", but I hope you enjoy what I've made. I started sewing shortly after Tennyson was born. It was something I could do and not have to think about anything else, and I always have something to show for the time I've spent sewing. I've really only sewn baby and child items, but I've taught myself a lot over the years.

There will be a boy and a girl version of each item throughout the week. For example, today's item is meant for a girl, but there will be a boy version one day this week!

To enter:
1.Just leave your first name and e-mail address in the comments section.
2.If you win, I'll send you an e-mail and get your mailing address.
3.You can also e-mail me if you have trouble posting your entry, and I'll make sure you are entered:
 4.Giveaways are open to everyone - family, friends, new readers, faithful readers - everyone!
5. Let me know if you have any questions!

Here is the first giveaway: Diaper and Wipes Case (Girl - colors are gray and light pink)

(Click on the pictures to see a larger view)

A very sweet friend made one of these for Tennyson when she was born. I still use it and carry it in my purse or diaper bag wherever I go. Mom's always need baby wipes! The bag is big enough to carry the wipes case inside, as well as a few diapers, and whatever else you can fit in (a spare onesie, diaper cream...etc.). Many of my friends with new babies have been given this as a gift, since it was one of the most useful and cute gifts I received!

Happy 1st Birthday, Tenn Sense!


Monday, December 10, 2012

{Pregnancy Update} 31 Weeks

This pregnancy has continued to go smoothly. Next week I'll be 8 months! Wow! I'm still feeling good, but have definitely started to find it difficult to get comfortable when I sleep. My sister-in-law sent me a giant pregnancy pillow and that has helped me out. (Thanks, Michelle!)

I have a doctors appointment and growth scan this Friday. The growth scans give me such peace of mind that Baby Girl is doing well. I pray that she continues to grow on schedule and that I have a very boring third trimester. I'm a little anxious about the growth scan on Friday because at my last appointment, I had not gained any weight in two weeks. I'm eating plenty, so I just hope she is growing well.

At this point in the pregnancy she should be just over three pounds, which would make her bigger than Tennyson when she was born. I feel like she is bigger judging from the belly earthquakes she creates throughout the day. She's active and I love it. When I count my kicks, I only have to count for 30 minutes at the most. I think I felt her knees poking through my belly today!

I met my Doula that the hospital matched me with and I really like her. She wasn't annoying at all (I was a little worried about that!), and she seems very calming and supportive.

I feel a little ahead of the game in terms of being prepared. I've washed and folded her tiny little clothes and they are in her dresser drawers already. I have preemie clothes in my hospital bag just in case and will switch them out with newborn size clothes once I hit 37 weeks. I think she could wear a new onesie or outfit everyday for the first 3 months. She has so many cute clothes. Most of them are hand-me-downs from Tenn, but I have also been given so many cute clothes from friends.

As I get closer to my due date, I can't decide whether or not to take birthing classes to prepare for labor. If you took birthing classes, do you think they helped you? If you didn't take birthing classes, do you wish you had? The plan is still for me to attempt a VBAC up until my due date and then I will proceed with a c-section.


Friday, December 7, 2012

Crawling Out of that Big Dark Hole

It's been a few weeks since a blog update. I've sat down a few times to write, knowing I should update, but I have had zero motivation or inspiration. I've just felt exhausted. Mentally and sometimes physically.

From the beginning, I said I'd keep it honest here on the blog, and I'll be keeping that promise.

I've been in a mental "big dark hole" for the past few weeks. Not a depression, but my thoughts have definitely been consumed with Tennyson's progress - or lack thereof. Since her surgery, we are dealing with huge regression in terms of her muscle strength. She can no longer bear weight on her legs, her head control is poor, and her reflux is back with a vengeance (which means I get to clean up throw-up daily). In the long run, once we get her strong again, the range of motion in her hips and legs will be wonderful for her, but it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when a years worth of work is out the window in a matter of weeks. We are starting over, and it feels like we have a never-ending mountain to climb.

It didn't help that she had six appointments in the last week and I had to explain over and over again to each one of her doctors where she's at developmentally and why she has regressed. It drained me. She saw Genetics (and we found out that Tennyson is still the only little girl in the world documented with her rare chromosome abnormality), Pediatric Surgery (to get her g-tube changed), Orthopedics (because one of her legs is longer than the other due to "pelvic obliquity" - a topic for another day), Neurology and GI (because she was due to be seen), and she had a weight check with Nutrition (she didn't gain or lose anything -not good, not bad).

I can usually carry on and not let the negative feelings consume me. I think I've developed a pretty thick skin when it comes to the slow progress and accepting the cards we've been dealt. But lately, I've let it get to me. When I start to feel negative, I start to think negatively. Everything feels harder. It's a slippery slope that dumps me into a "big dark hole".

I get irritated with the stares we get in public and the strangers who ask annoying questions. I want to say to them, "she's just a little girl!" or "She can understand what you are saying!" (and other really witty, sarcastic things that I would never actually say...). The kids in her class at school have more manners than half the adults we come in contact with while we are out and about.

I went to pick Tenn up from school one day this week and she was sitting in her teachers lap playing with all the little girls (so cute!). One of them came up to me and showed me a sign that had her name on it. I asked her if she knew the names of the letters in her name and she did! It was one of those moments that made me go, "Holy crap - that's what three year olds can do!? This kid is a genius!".

It made me wish Tennyson could do more. It made me sad that she is so far behind - years behind her peers. When I told my Husband how sad I was about it, he said gently, "It's only going to become more obvious the older she gets." I know he's right. He can say those things and somehow it's okay because we're in this together. He adores Tennyson for Tennyson and doesn't compare her to any other kid. He thinks it's awesome she gets to participate with her peers at school and they work hard to adapt all the activities so she can be part of them. From the beginning, he has seemed to accept it all easier than I ever have.

I can't fix the damage done to Tennyson's brain. I won't deny I wish I could. I wish I could have a two way conversation with my daughter. I wish she could tell me about her day, rather than having to ask her teachers or read it in her communication log from her therapists.

Then I read "The Mom I Would Have Been" by Dana Nieder of the blog Uncommon Sense. Definitely worth taking the time to read! She put into words (better than I ever could have) exactly how I was feeling. Sometimes knowing you aren't the only one feeling the way you do is just enough to make you feel okay again. So, I'll work on acknowledging  the feelings I have and then get myself out of this stupid big dark hole.


Monday, November 19, 2012

{Pregnancy Update} 28 Weeks

Today marks the beginning of the third trimester! I'm getting excited to meet this little girl (in February...not November, December, or January)! Overall I'm feeling good still. I noticed I was a little more tired this past week, and the random nosebleeds are back, accompanied by bleeding gums when I brush my teeth. Gross.

Last Friday I had a growth scan. Although this pregnancy is going great, I'm getting monthly growth scans since Tennyson was so severely growth restricted. Baby measured four days ahead of schedule and everything looked great. She is nearly the size Tennyson was when she was born!

I also had my glucose test while I was at my Friday appointment. I passed with flying colors with a result of 94. I didn't even mind the orange sugar drink. I also received the TDaP vaccination.

I met with a different doctor this past appointment. I know I should try and meet with other doctors in case mine isn't available on the day I deliver, but I just really like my doctor. I liked this doctor as well, but I still hope I get mine for the big day. I went over my history with him and he listened and asked questions, which I always appreciate. Now that I've entered the third trimester, I'll have appointments every two weeks.

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to have a phone appointment with Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg. It took a lot of coordinating, but I was really grateful for the opportunity to talk with her. She is the director of the clinical trial for cord blood transfusion to help kids with cerebral palsy. We contacted her when Tennyson was around a year old and asked to be part of the clinical trial, but were declined since we didn't have Tennyson's cord blood banked. We don't want to miss the opportunity to bank this baby's cord blood.

Dr. Kurtzberg is also the director for Carolinas Cord Blood Bank (CCBB). After talking with Dr. Kurtzberg, we have been approved for "directed donation". Directed donation is for parents who have a child that is need of a cord blood transplant. This means the cord blood will be banked with the intention of Tennyson or Baby Girl getting to use it in the future. I am beyond thrilled we have been approved. There is no annual fee to bank at CCBB. There is a one time fee that is charged, but our insurance will be billed first to see if they will cover it.

The point of me telling you about CCBB is because I also met with one of the cord blood collection nurses last Friday. The doctor I saw wanted to make sure I was on their radar for directed donation. I have a large packet of paperwork to go through and read, but I feel better knowing everyone is tracking the cord blood is being banked.

I've started packing my hospital bag already. I didn't get to pack my bag last time and had to rely on my husband to choose clothes for me to wear home. He chose pre-pregnancy clothes and I didn't fit into them. I'm not messing around this time.

Our baby still doesn't have a name. We did have a name for a few weeks until my husband vetoed it. I was bummed. We had decided on Harlow. I thought it sounded pretty and girly, he thought it sounded manly. He ruined it for me when he said it like a pirate. "HARRRRRRlow". I fought for it still, but he said it sounded "HARRRRRRD" and "HARRRRRSH". I still love the name, but he has to also so the search continues.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Seven Snippets Sunday - Short and Sweet

 Tomorrow morning, at 8:00am, Tennyson gets her casts removed. I can't believe it has already been a month. I can't wait to give her a bath and see her move her legs again. I'm sure it will be uncomfortable for her at first, since she hasn't moved her legs or used her muscles in a month. She has had such an awesome attitude throughout everything she has been through in the last month. I'm really proud of her.
 No, I will not be saving her casts as a souvenir. I'm looking forward to never seeing those casts again. Ever.
 On Friday, Tennyson's friends and teachers at school decorated her casts. Pretty darn cute, right?

 I can't wait to give back the giant wheelchair and special Hippo car seat tomorrow. I can't wait to not have to load Tenn into a wagon padded with pillows to take her anywhere. I'm looking forward to being able to put pants on her. I'm also looking forward to her getting to go back to school full time, starting physical therapy again, and not having to answer peoples questions about how she "broke both her legs".
My one year blogging Anniversary is in one month!  Giveaways will be announced soon to celebrate the big day! Stay tuned.
Tomorrow I'll be 27 weeks pregnant! One more week until the seventh month and 3rd trimester starts! I don't think I have shared a pregnant picture here on the blog. This was taken on Halloween. I have my gestational diabetes test this week and a growth scan to make sure Baby Girl is growing on schedule.
I promise that I'll be blogging more than Sunday Snippets and Pregnancy Updates soon. I know it's been a little slow and lacking substance around here, but hang in there. It's been a crazy month.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Choosing a Halloween costume for Tenn was tough this year. I ended up making her costume. There weren't any costumes that I could have bought that would have worked with her double leg casts...shocking, right?

She's been going to school in her wagon, padded with pillows (the beanbag got the boot). So, I had to figure that into the costume equation as well. I made some pretty butterfly wings that would simply lay behind her.

Tennyson's school had a Trunk or Treat event in the morning, and we went to see Tenn and all of her classmates in their adorable costumes. Her speech therapist had a Big Mac button with a pumpkin picture on it. When Tennyson hit it with her hand it said, "trick-or-treat". I loved that she had a "voice" to participate like all the other kids.

Later in the evening we went trick or treating with friends. She was so excited to be outside. We bundled her up and she had a great time!

We hope you had a great Halloween!


Monday, October 29, 2012

{Pregnancy Update} 25 Weeks

I know I've said it before, but it's true - this pregnancy is flying by. I haven't posted a pregnancy update in 3 weeks, so it's about time.

I feel a new sense of responsibility now that I've passed the 6 month mark. Viability begins at 24 weeks, so if something crazy were to happen and this baby suddenly ended up being born, she could survive. I'm still trusting God's plan, but feel the need to be extra vigilant from here on out. I'm already counting kicks, but I don't think I technically have to start that until 28 weeks. It brings me peace of mind.

Even though I feel so much more aware and educated this time around, I still have my "crazy pregnant lady" moments. For instance, I bumped my belly the other night on a door handle and it bruised the following day. I worried I hit the baby in the head (the head seems to be a constant area of concern for me), or that the placenta was damaged. I called the OB on call at the hospital just to make sure they didn't want to check on the baby. I refrained from asking them if they thought I hit the baby in the head. They were not worried about me (not unless I was leaking, bleeding, or contracting - which I wasn't). Baby Girl was moving around just fine. I also decided someone should invent a helmet for baby bumps.

I felt silly calling the doc about bumping into a door handle, but at the same time, as I get farther along, I'm needing more reassurance everything really is going well. Since our only experience is "the path less traveled", it almost feels surreal my body is truly working how God intended it to, and I'm carrying a healthy child. It makes me incredibly emotional (I'm blaming those lovely pregnancy hormones).

Anyways, enough of the therapy session. Here's an actual update on our sweet (still un-named) Baby Girl.

Two weeks ago, I had the ECHO ultrasound to check on the baby's heart. At the anatomy ultrasound at 18 weeks, there were a few images that made the doctor want to double check the baby didn't have a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). She doesn't. I didn't think she did. They gave me some really cool pictures of her.

Her kicks are getting stronger and it's the coolest thing to feel her move throughout the day and night. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law were able to feel her move when I put their hand on my belly. I feel really proud when people tell me I'm getting bigger. She is growing right on schedule and I will have another ultrasound in 2 weeks to make sure she continues to grow well.


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Seven Snippets Sunday - Surgery Update

I apologize for not posting recently. This past week was a busy one for us. Tennyson had a few rough days at the beginning, but she has been an angel for these last three days. Two weeks down, two to go. We're finally in a good routine, and she's back to sleeping well.
I have been pleasantly surprised at how quickly Tennyson has healed and adjusted to the casts. I had prepared for her to be out of school for at least two weeks, but she started back this past Wednesday. She went for two hours the first day and did well, so she went for four hours on Thursday and Friday. She loved getting out of the house and seeing her teachers and friends. I didn't want her diaper to show, so she got to wear skirts and dresses. She looked SO adorable.
The beanbag has worked out OK. Somehow the bag I put the beans in tore and so we have been leaving a trail of beans wherever we take it. How annoying. We sent Tenn to school with the beanbag chair in the wagon, and while she looks like a little princess being pulled into school, it really isn't supporting her the way she needs it to. We'll have to try something different tomorrow when we take her to school.

This is what she looks like rolling into school (she's out on a walk in this picture, she goes to school in a skirt or a dress).

(the blanket under her knees is to make sure she doesn't have too much pressure on her heels and get pressure sores)
Tennyson is completely off her medicines she went home from the hospital on. I anticipate we will need them again once her casts come off, but for now, it's been wonderful to have her sweet personality back. The meds made her so sleepy. Her eyes would roll around and she couldn't stay awake long enough to focus on anything.
I have another set of hands in the house! Tennyson's Aunt T moved in this week. I am beyond grateful that she moved across the country to live with us. We are so happy she's here, and Tennyson adores her Aunt T.
Aunt T and Tenny on a walk. She has loved every opportunity to get out of the house.

Tenny's cute outfit on her first day back to school. She's not a fan of the camera flash, so her eyes are closed - oh well, still cute!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Surgery Update - Day Three

We are home!

Tenn slept great last night. Our nurse stayed on top of her pain medicine and it made a huge difference. She fell asleep around 10:30pm and woke up at 8:00am. The night nurse had blond hair, that was pulled back in a ponytail, so I think she thought it was me each time the nurse came in to take vitals. She fell right back to sleep each time.

The doctors came in at 5:30am for rounds (seriously, who functions that early!?), and said she could go home. Her discharge orders were in by 9:00am, but we still had to wait for a special carseat (called a "Hippo" by Britax) to be delivered.

Tenn was really annoyed by anyone and everyone who came into our room today. To be honest, so was I. We were both ready to get out of there.

The carseat came, and then we were upgraded to an even bigger wheelchair so the carseat could fit in it. Awesome. I wish I would have taken a picture of them wheeling her out. However, it didn't seem appropriate to take a picture of her crying, and I wanted to get the heck out of there.

I had anticipated leaving in the afternoon right after my doctors appointment, but then they handed me her discharge orders - with paper prescriptions for pain medicine.

{short backstory} - Last week, I called her doctors office to get her pain medicines filled ahead of time so I would have them when we went home. The nurse assured me we would be sent home with them. This has never happened. Ever. We have never been given meds to go home with. We always get scripts to take to our pharmacy after she gets home from a hospital stay. I guess it was too good to be true. I should have asked about this yesterday, so our pharmacy could have had the meds in stock for us. Lesson learned. Oh well.

I called our pharmacy to see if they had them in stock, but of course, they didn't. So I had to go have them filled at the hospital pharmacy. We didn't leave the hospital until 6pm.

Tenn was exhausted and slept the entire car ride home. She woke up when we pulled in the driveway. I said, "We're home!", and she gave me a big smile.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Surgery Update - Day Two

Overall, today went far better than I had prepared for. Tennyson slept very well last night in between nurses coming in to check vitals. Around 2am her nurse let me know she had a fever. I was surprised because she has been getting antibiotics in her I.V., but the doctors who did rounds this morning (at 5:30am!) weren't concerned about it and said it was normal.

She was downright giggly this morning when she woke up. I can only attribute it to the dose of pain medicine she received around 6:00am. She also got some Tylenol, which brought her temperature down quickly.

I had to leave her around 9:00am to go to my ultrasound downstairs in the Women's Hospital. It was a quick appointment and I was able to get back within 45 minutes. As the morning went on, she became more irritable, which was what I expected. She cries every time the nurses come in.

After each dose of pain medicine, she took a good nap. When she slept, I slept. So, we both got three good long naps in today.

She was fitted for a wheelchair rental that will go home with us. They brought an adult sized wheelchair. I asked them to bring a pediatric wheelchair, but it was too small. So for now, she gets a big wheelchair. We might be able to use a wagon once we get her home.

I'm still trying to arrange for a car seat that will be able to accommodate her lovely new casts. Hopefully, we can go home tomorrow afternoon. I think she'll be more comfortable and we'll be able to figure out a good routine for her.

They handed out balloons today and I couldn't help but laugh at what her balloon said on it.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Surgery Update - Day One

Well, today was surgery day for Tenny. The past few days have all merged into one really long day for me. We came up to Chapel Hill last night since we knew she'd be one of the first ones to go today. After we checked into our hotel we went out to dinner together and I had such a fun time with her. I tried to soak it all in, knowing I might not see her happy for quite a long time.

I could barely sleep last night, worrying that I would sleep in and miss the surgery altogether (even though I set up a wake up call and set an alarm). We woke up around 5:45am and Tenn was already cranky. I don't blame her. It's no fun to get up when it's still dark outside.

We arrived at the hospital and checked her in. They sent us up to surgery and we only waited for a few minutes before they called her back to start getting her prepped. I talked to the anesthesiologist, the resident anesthesiologist, the nurse who would be with her, her doctor that would be performing the surgery, and his two residents. After that, they took her vitals, did a weight check and she was ready to go. They asked if I wanted to take her back. I've done that one other time, and knew we would both do better if they just took her. I watched them walk her back and she was so brave, she didn't even cry, but I'm sure she was scared.

The surgery took about 2 hours, so I went and ate breakfast and then sat in the waiting room until they came to tell me she was done. People have some crazy conversations in hospital waiting rooms. I was happy to see her doctor when he came in. He wasn't smiling and I instantly started to panic. I think he could tell and he told me right away it went great and she was doing fine. He said she had minimal bleeding, but to prepare myself for how wide her legs were casted.

I waited a few more minutes and was called back to the recovery area. She actually sounded good. She's usually really hoarse from the breathing tube, but not this time. They called me back because she was holding her breath a lot while crying. I could hear her even before I saw her. They couldn't tell if she was in pain, scared, or mad. I was guessing it was a combination of all three. It's hard to for me to figure out exactly what her cries mean when she's waking up from anesthesia. She was definitely holding her breath a lot so I attributed it to pain. They tried quite a few pain meds and she was still crying and holding her breath, so she had to have the oxygen mask on. I think this made her even more mad. She was covered in blankets so I didn't see her casts right away

I even bought cute socks and slippers....oh well

She stayed in recovery for over three hours. She cried for most of that time, but soon I was able to comfort her and she slept a little. I peeked at her casts and was surprised at how far apart her legs were. I also hadn't anticipated her feet would be included.

She took a second nap after they moved her up to her private room and I took the opportunity to go grab our bags from the car and get something to eat. They started her on pedialite, but she threw up. I was able to clean her up and put a shirt on her.

I was a little nervous earlier this evening because she started to have spasms that looked similar to her myoclonic seizures. I wasn't sure if these were the muscle spasms we were warned about, or if she was actually having seizures. I asked the nurse to call her doctor to come tell me what he thought. He was certain they were only muscle spasms, but increased her valium to help calm them.

Thank goodness for Kipper the Dog

I anticipate a pretty sleepless night, but know tomorrow will be better. She's still pretty upset when she is awake, but they are giving her pain medicine around the clock.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

{Tutorial} Make Your Own Beanbag Chair

Preparation continues for the big surgery next week. It was mentioned to me by more than one person that a beanbag chair works well for positioning after this type of surgery. I looked everywhere for a beanbag that would work, but they were all crazy expensive. Seriously, who knew beanbag chairs could cost nearly $100 for the big ones. I'm not paying that much for a beanbag. The ones I found on craisglist were questionable...I'm not a fan of questionable.

Tennyson's physical therapist mentioned making one. She had seen something on pinterest that showed how to make a dog bed, but it was essentially the same idea. I didn't bother trying to find that tutorial, since it sounded pretty straight forward.

I'm happy with how it turned out! It's the size I wanted, it's super soft, and I can wash it if I need to. Tennyson will fit perfectly on it.

Would you like to make one of your own?

Here's what you'll need:

2 bags of beans - $11.49 each
1 1/2 yards of fleece fabric (top layer) - $8.16
1 1/2 yards of fleece fabric (bottom layer) - $7.41
Zippered twin mattress cover - $7.97
Sharp scissors (I already had these)
Total cost: $46.52 
I'm a visual learner, so get ready for picture overload....

First, lay out one layer of fabric:

This is where you might think I'm a little crazy...I needed a circle template, so I used a small table we had in our kitchen.

I used my hand as a guide, because I wanted a very large bean bag.

Keep cutting until you have a circle.

Next, lay your second fabric down and place the circle on top.

Then, use your top layer as the template and cut around it.

Now, your fabric should look like this:

Next, open your zippered mattress cover and poor the beans into it.

Spill the beans all over the place.

Poor both bags of beans into the zippered mattress cover and zip it up. You're not going to fill the mattress cover up with just 2 bags of beans, so there will be a lot of extra mattress cover...just wad it up and shove it on top. You won't be able to tell once it's inside the beanbag.

If you aren't going to sew your seams shut, you're going to make cuts like this around the entire blanket.

If you are going to sew your seams closed, make sure you face the right sides (printed sides) of your fabric together before you pin them in place. My fabric was the same on both sides, so it didn't matter which sides showed.

Pin 3/4 of the way around your fabric, leaving an opening to put the beans inside the bag.

Sew a simple seam along the edge.

I doubled up my seam, because I hate having to go back and repair holes in things I make. It's such a pain.

Now you have your sewn circle with an opening.

Turn it inside out. Now you don't see those exposed edges.

Go to the part of your circle you didn't sew closed.

Make cuts like this all along the edge.

Stuff your beans in the bag.

Now it looks like this:

Tie them're almost done!

Now you have a giant bean bag!

So, I realize it does resemble a dog bed, but it won't when sweet Tennyson is laying on it.
If it needs to be washed, I can just untie a few of the bows and pull the bag of beans out. 
Also, I'm hoping Tennyson won't have to be out of school the entire time she is in casts. Her doctors mentioned putting her in a wagon padded with pillows when she goes back to school. This might be able to pad her wagon and prop her up if she feels up to going.
Let me know if you have any questions!
{Update: After using the bean bag, there are definitely some changes I would make: 1) Spend the extra couple of dollars on the fabric mattress cover. Ours ripped and I was left with a GIANT mess of beans to clean up. 2) If you can put a zipper on - do it! The combination of the torn plastic mattress cover and the holes in between the ties was messy. All the spilled beans made their way out of every possible hole. I'm still finding beans in my living room, even after I swear I've found every single one of them.}